Dear Pleo is a project developed and written by our team of Family Peer Supporters

Do you ever feel stuck, looking for answers, and not knowing where to find them?  Here you’ll find answers to real questions from parents of children, youth, or young adults struggling with mental health, addiction, or behavioural challenges.

Drawing on the collective wisdom of our Family Peer Supporters and the thousands of parents we have supported, we’ll offer practical, empowering, and hopeful guidance relevant to any parent or person supporting a family through these challenges.

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Do you have a question for Dear Pleo?

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Please note: this inbox is not monitored 24/7. If you are in distress or crisis, please call: Youth and Family Crisis Line under 16 yrs (Ottawa area: 613 260 2360, Outside Ottawa: 1 877 377 7775). If you are over 16 yrs (Ottawa: 613 722 6914, Outside Ottawa: 1 866 996 0991). If you are in need of support, or just someone to talk to, call our free Parents’ Helpline open Mon-Fri 9 am-7pm EST to talk with a Family Peer Supporter, by calling us toll free at 1.855.755.7005 or local at 613.321.3211. Questions submitted by parents may be used in our Dear Pleo newsletter and all submissions are confidential and anonymous.

Just knowing you are not alone in your struggles is a big help and gives you courage to get through the next day.

Toronto Parent

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On October 10, we invite you to join us for The Art of Support: Pleo’s Gala for Mental Health, a fundraiser for Pleo to help families of children facing mental health challenges find hope and support. Buy tickets and donate here.


Le 10 octobre, nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre pour L'Art du Soutien : Gala pour la Santé Mentale de Pleo, une collecte de fonds au bénéfice de Pleo pour aider les familles d'enfants confrontés à des défis de santé mentale à trouver de l’espoir et du soutien.​ Achetez des billets et faites un don ici.