Who We Are
Pleo was created by parents, for parents.
We know first hand that parents play a significant role in their child’s outcomes and research supports this. We recognize that parents can’t and need not do it alone. We understand the challenges and the stressors on families. And we believe that families facing mental health challenges can flourish.
Our Vision is that families facing mental health challenges can flourish, stigma-free, with the support and services they need.
Our Mission is to foster positive outcomes for families with children to age 25 facing mental health challenges by providing family peer support and by amplifying the family voice for system change.
Family Peer Supporters (FPS)
These FPS will be there alongside you through your journey and behind the scenes, championing better mental health care for our kids and families.
Our Family Peer Supporters bring the wisdom and experience of supporting their child, youth, or young adult with mental health or addiction challenges. They also complete extensive ongoing training on the mental health system, diagnoses, promising and best practices, and specialized skills such as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), Motivational Interviewing, Collaborative Problem Solving, and SMART Recovery. They’re part of your community, ensuring that our services reflect the unique experiences and needs of each area we serve.
Leadership Team

Michelle Crogie

Anne Lukey

Diane Oxborough

Christine Richer

Chantal Porteous

Pamela McPhee-Marinuzzi

Holly Watson
Board Of Directors

Angela Fenton

Greg Nesbitt

Hedi Gordon

Amelie March

Krista Daviault

Melissa Jennings

Rita Haddad

Angela Hamson

Andre Allen

Motunrayo Adeyem
Our Partners
- Children’s Mental Health of Leeds & Grenville
- Compass / Boussole / Akii-Izhinoogan
- Cornwall Community Hospital
- Counselling Connect
- Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre
- Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre
- Équipe psycho-sociale
- Hawkesbury General Hospital
- Hôpital Montfort
- Kemptville District Hospital
- Le Cap
- Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth
- Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Center
- Our Kids’ Health
- Pembroke Regional Hospital
- Renfrew County Youth Wellness Hub
- Renfrew Victoria Hospital
- Rideauwood Addictions and Family Services
- Roberts/Smart Centre
- Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective
- Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
- South Nepean Satellite Community Health Centre
- The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families
- The Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre
- The Royal Mental Health Centre
- United Way Eastern Ontario
- Valoris for Children and Families of Prescott Russell
- Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre
- Willow Wellness
- Youth Services Bureau
- Youth Wellness Hubs
- YouthNet/Réseau Ado
Thank you thank you … you were a guardian angel today. I was a bit distressed and you really did help; best phone call I ever decided to make, especially when I have no one. Again I can’t thank you enough .