We are a non-profit family peer support organization for parents whose children to age 25 are facing mental health challenges. We are parents who have supported our own children with these challenges – we’ve been there, we get it, and we can help.

We provide Family Peer Support for parents through our:

Parents’ Helpline for support and guidance navigating the mental health system, finding resources in your community, and for when you just need someone to talk to.

Parent Support Groups for parents to share information and learn from one another, and come together as a community.

Mobile One-on-One Support for more intensive support and guidance through particularly challenging times, in-person and in your community.

How we can help

  • Understanding your child’s concerning symptoms or diagnosis
  • Finding resources and support for your child and family
  • Navigating services for your child at home, in the community, and at school
  • Providing support and strategies for coping with life’s stressors
  • Sharing skills to effectively advocate for your child and family’s needs
  • Providing non-judgemental, understanding support for you as a parent

Call now to speak with a Family Peer Supporter


Parents who have used our services report being better able to access the services they need, better able to support their child, and better able to cope with the challenges they face. They also report feeling less anxious, stressed, and isolated.

As a mental health professional working with children, youth and families, I am grateful for Pleo and the support it provides children/youth and their families. As a parent-led organization, it fills the gap that professional mental health services do not provide. If Pleo did not exist I simply don’t know what I would recommend in its place.

Dr. Michael Cheng

Co-Founder, eMentalHealth.ca ; Psychiatrist at CHEO; Associate Professor at uOttawa

All of Pleo’s services are free to join and funded by our funders, donors and sponsors

To see this month’s calendar of events, please click View Calendar

Pleo Events

If you would like to join and/or participate in any of our free events listed below, please follow the links. To view all Pleo events, click here.

Parent Support Group for parents and caregivers of children (ages 13-25) facing mental health or addiction challenges. Every Wednesday, 6:30-8pm, Virtual (Zoom)

This free weekly peer-facilitated drop-in virtual parent support group, Drop-In Virtual Parent Support Group 13-25, is for parents and caregivers of youths, teens, and young adults ages 13-25 facing mental health or addiction challenges, to find support and connection with others who understand, in a supportive, non-judgmental space. It’s held every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8pm on Zoom and facilitated by two Pleo Family Peer Supporters, parents who each bring their own lived experience supporting a child with mental health and/or addiction challenges to the group, providing understanding and compassionate support. On the fourth Wednesday of the month, this support group is bilingual. Find support, learn from other parents’ experiences, share information and resources, and build your sense of community in a safe, confidential space. This support group helps support the parent or caregiver, helping build the parent or caregiver’s capacity to support their child facing mental health and/or addiction challenges.

Parent Support Group for parents and caregivers of children (ages 0-12) facing mental health or addiction challenges. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6:30-8pm, Virtual (Zoom)

Drop-In Virtual Parent Support Group 0-12, is a free peer-facilitated drop-in virtual parent support group for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-12 facing mental health or addiction challenges, to find support and connection with others who understand, in a supportive, non-judgmental space. It’s held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm to 8pm on Zoom and facilitated by two Pleo Family Peer Supporters, parents who each bring their own lived experience supporting a child with mental health and/or addiction challenges to the group, providing understanding and compassionate support. On the 2nd Tuesday of the month, this group is bilingual. On the 4th Tuesday of the month, this group is topic-based (click here for this month’s topic) and co-facilitated by two Pleo Family Peer Supporters, in partnership with mental health clinicians from Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. Learn new tools and knowledge and develop skills to help you best support your child facing mental health and/or addiction challenges, while building your own resiliency as a parent or caregiver, in a safe and confidential space. 

Follow us @pleo4families

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Lanark County Parents and Caregivers:

Planet Youth Lanark County is hosting its free, “We Ask - You Share: Change-Makers’ Summit” event on October 25th, for Lanark County youth in grades 7-12. Join the young people who are already making a difference, for an interactive day of problem-solving and fun! Registration is required. For more info and to register: www.eventbrite.ca/e/planet-youth-lanark-county-we-ask-you-share-change-makers-summit-tickets-1016...?
Parents et aidant(e)s du comté de Lanark :

Planet Youth Lanark County organise son événement gratuit « We Ask - You Share : Change-Makers' Summit » le 25 octobre, pour les jeunes du comté de Lanark de la 7e à la 12e année. Rejoignez les jeunes qui font déjà une difference, pour une journée interactive de résolution de problèmes et de l’amusement ! L'inscription est requise. Pour plus d'informations et pour vous inscrire : www.eventbrite.ca/e/planet-youth-lanark-county-we-ask-you-share-change-makers-summit-tickets-1016...?
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Lanark County Parents and Caregivers: 

Planet Youth Lanark County is hosting its free, “We Ask - You Share: Change-Makers’ Summit” event on October 25th, for Lanark County youth in grades 7-12. Join the young people who are already making a difference, for an interactive day of problem-solving and fun! Registration is required. For more info and to register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/planet-youth-lanark-county-we-ask-you-share-change-makers-summit-tickets-1016861509147?
Parents et aidant(e)s du comté de Lanark : 

Planet Youth Lanark County organise son événement gratuit « We Ask - You Share : Change-Makers Summit » le 25 octobre, pour les jeunes du comté de Lanark de la 7e à la 12e année. Rejoignez les jeunes qui font déjà une difference, pour une journée interactive de résolution de problèmes et de l’amusement ! Linscription est requise. Pour plus dinformations et pour vous inscrire : https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/planet-youth-lanark-county-we-ask-you-share-change-makers-summit-tickets-1016861509147?

Exciting news: A new support group is being offered in Ottawa! 👇🏽

We are pleased to share a new bereavement support group being offered in Ottawa. This free in-person peer-facilitated support group by Healing Hearts from Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH), is for individuals 18+ who are grieving the loss of a loved one due to overdose, or substance-use related harms, providing a safe, confidential space for people to heal, share their story and express their emotions without judgment, and support one another in their grief journey. It’s held every third Monday of each month, 5:30-7:30pm, at Pinecrest-Queensway CHC (1365 Richmond Road, Ottawa). Registration is required. The next support group is Monday October 22. To register and for more info, please contact Jacquie at healingheartsottawa@gmail.com.
Bonne nouvelle : Un nouveau groupe de soutien voit le jour à Ottawa ! 👇🏽

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer un groupe de soutien dédié aux personnes en deuil, organisé par Healing Hearts de Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH). Ce groupe gratuit, animé par des pairs, s'adresse aux adultes de 18 ans et plus ayant perdu un être cher en raison d'une surdose ou des effets liés à la consommation de substances. Il offre un environnement confidentiel propice à la guérison, au partage d'expériences et à l'expression des émotions sans jugement, favorisant ainsi un soutien mutuel dans le processus de deuil. Les rencontres ont lieu tous les troisièmes lundis du mois, de 17h30 à 19h30, au CSC Pinecrest-Queensway (1365 Richmond Road, Ottawa). L'inscription est requise. Le prochain groupe de soutien aura lieu le lundi 22 octobre. Pour vous inscrire ou pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter Jacquie à healingheartsottawa@gmail.com.
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Exciting news: A new support group is being offered in Ottawa! 👇🏽

We are pleased to share a new bereavement support group being offered in Ottawa. This free in-person peer-facilitated support group by Healing Hearts from Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH), is for individuals 18+ who are grieving the loss of a loved one due to overdose, or substance-use related harms, providing a safe, confidential space for people to heal, share their story and express their emotions without judgment, and support one another in their grief journey. It’s held every third Monday of each month, 5:30-7:30pm, at Pinecrest-Queensway CHC (1365 Richmond Road, Ottawa). Registration is required. The next support group is Monday October 22. To register and for more info, please contact Jacquie at healingheartsottawa@gmail.com.
Bonne nouvelle : Un nouveau groupe de soutien voit le jour à Ottawa ! 👇🏽
Nous sommes heureux dannoncer un groupe de soutien dédié aux personnes en deuil, organisé par Healing Hearts de Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH). Ce groupe gratuit, animé par des pairs, sadresse aux adultes de 18 ans et plus ayant perdu un être cher en raison dune surdose ou des effets liés à la consommation de substances. Il offre un environnement confidentiel propice à la guérison, au partage dexpériences et à lexpression des émotions sans jugement, favorisant ainsi un soutien mutuel dans le processus de deuil. Les rencontres ont lieu tous les troisièmes lundis du mois, de 17h30 à 19h30, au CSC Pinecrest-Queensway (1365 Richmond Road, Ottawa). Linscription est requise. Le prochain groupe de soutien aura lieu le lundi 22 octobre. Pour vous inscrire ou pour plus dinformations, veuillez contacter Jacquie à healingheartsottawa@gmail.com.

Happening next Tuesday:

Join us on October 22, 6:30-8pm for a free virtual parent information night. This month’s topic is: “Decoding Aggression”, for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-12 facing mental health or addiction challenges. Participants will find support, learn tools and knowledge and develop skills to help them best support their child facing mental health or addiction challenges. This support group is co-facilitated by Pleo Family Peer Supporters, parents who will bring their own lived experience with this topic to the group, and mental health clinicians from Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. This support group is in partnership with Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth.

👉🏽Join here - ow.ly/ZjJR50RXWGB

We look forward to seeing you all at this group!
Le mardi prochain :

Rejoignez-nous le 22 octobre, de 18h30 à 20h, pour une soirée d'information virtuelle gratuite destinée aux parents. Ce mois-ci, nous aborderons le thème : « Décoder l'agression ». Cet événement s'adresse aux parents et aidant(e)s d'enfants âgés de 0 à 12 ans confrontés à des défis en santé mentale ou en dépendance. Les participants peuvent trouver du soutien, apprendront des outils et des connaissances et développeront des compétences qui les aideront à mieux soutenir leur enfant confronté à des défis de santé mentale ou de dépendance. Ce groupe de soutien est co-animé par des aidants familiaux par les pairs de Pleo, des parents qui apporteront au groupe leur expérience vécue sur ce sujet et des cliniciens en santé mentale d'Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. Ce groupe de soutien est en partenariat avec Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth.

👉🏽Joignez-vous ici - ow.ly/ZjJR50RXWGB

Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir tous dans ce groupe !
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Happening next Tuesday:

Join us on October 22, 6:30-8pm for a free virtual parent information night. This month’s topic is: “Decoding Aggression”, for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-12 facing mental health or addiction challenges. Participants will find support, learn tools and knowledge and develop skills to help them best support their child facing mental health or addiction challenges. This support group is co-facilitated by Pleo Family Peer Supporters, parents who will bring their own lived experience with this topic to the group, and mental health clinicians from Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. This support group is in partnership with Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. 

👉🏽Join here - https://ow.ly/ZjJR50RXWGB

We look forward to seeing you all at this group!
Le mardi prochain :

Rejoignez-nous le 22 octobre, de 18h30 à 20h, pour une soirée dinformation virtuelle gratuite destinée aux parents. Ce mois-ci, nous aborderons le thème : « Décoder lagression ». Cet événement sadresse aux parents et aidant(e)s denfants âgés de 0 à 12 ans confrontés à des défis en santé mentale ou en dépendance. Les participants peuvent trouver du soutien, apprendront des outils et des connaissances et développeront des compétences qui les aideront à mieux soutenir leur enfant confronté à des défis de santé mentale ou de dépendance. Ce groupe de soutien est co-animé par des aidants familiaux par les pairs de Pleo, des parents qui apporteront au groupe leur expérience vécue sur ce sujet et des cliniciens en santé mentale dOpen Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. Ce groupe de soutien est en partenariat avec Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth. 

👉🏽Joignez-vous ici - https://ow.ly/ZjJR50RXWGB

Nous nous réjouissons de vous voir tous dans ce groupe !Image attachment
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Do you have a question for Dear Pleo?

Submit your question below

Please note: this inbox is not monitored 24/7. If you are in distress or crisis, please call: Youth and Family Crisis Line under 16 yrs (Ottawa area: 613 260 2360, Outside Ottawa: 1 877 377 7775). If you are over 16 yrs (Ottawa: 613 722 6914, Outside Ottawa: 1 866 996 0991). If you are in need of support, or just someone to talk to, call our free Parents’ Helpline open Mon-Fri 9 am-7pm EST to talk with a Family Peer Supporter, by calling us toll free at 1.855.755.7005 or local at 613.321.3211. Questions submitted by parents may be used in our Dear Pleo newsletter and all submissions are confidential and anonymous.

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Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news from Pleo, free upcoming events, parent resources and Pleo fundraising initiatives. Occasionally, we will send appeals for donations, testimonials and surveys, to help us serve you better. We are committed to protecting your personal information and privacy, and we will not use, share, or disclose your email for any other purposes. By clicking “Subscribe,” I am giving permission for Pleo to contact me by email. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.

Where to find Pleo in your community

We are here to help, in communities across Eastern Ontario. Click the link below to find your local Pleo Parent Support Group, or to find a Pleo Family Peer Supporter available at your community mental health agency.